Parents in Sport Week & the Sports Parents Promise


It's important that all parents with children taking part in sport know what their responsibilities are when it comes to choosing a safe club and being a positive influence on their child's participation.

The CPSU's annual national campaign, Parents in Sport Week (PISW), is taking place from 7 – 13 October 2019. This year we launched the Sports Parents Promise as part of this campaign, to help parents to keep their children safe and have an enjoyable experience in sport. We're encouraging as many parents as possible to make the Promise before the end of PISW.

Parents can make this 3 point Promise to their children on the CPSU website.

Through this link, parents can access further guidance on a range of things from positive side line behaviour to what makes a safe sports club.

In return, parents have the option to download a personalised certificate – stating that they are a positive sports parent and that they've made the Promise – to share on social media and beyond.

We'd like sports organisations to help us promote the Sports Parents Promise by sharing the link to the Promise on their social media feeds, on their websites, and through any other media channels they have access to.

We'd love the Promise to reach as many clubs in the UK and Ireland as possible so that they can encourage parents to get involved and share the word across social media.

If you're a sports organisation that is lucky enough to have some celebrities in your midst, you might want to ask them to make the Promise to their children and share an image of them with their certificate on social media using the hashtag #SportsParents.

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