Yorkshire and Humber Learning Community


Supporting our workforce to be better skilled, more confident and capable is becoming increasingly difficult. Local insight shows that sporting contexts want to grow but they are not confident in their workforce to meet demand and a quarter thought their workforce wasn’t confident or capable. One of the main areas they need support with is training.

Anecdotal insight suggests that the Yorkshire & Humber workforce are finding it increasingly difficult to attend face to face training sessions, which supports a UK Coaching study. Coupled with the rural aspect of large areas of the Humber & Yorkshire make it increasingly difficult to run workshops with the minimum numbers required to cover costs. Currently, resources are hosted on YouTube, Sport England, Club Matters, UK Coaching, Active Partnership websites, accessed by google searches or on NGB/non-sector sites and more. It can take our workforce time (as well as an element of prior knowledge and understanding) to find and sift through this wealth of information.

Each module will be a friendly, tutor led experience with video, best practice, case studies, downloadable content, quizzes to reinforce learning and discussion board as well as being inspiring and motivating. The Yorkshire and Humber workforce will be able to attend the training at a time and place to suit them, giving them the option to pause the training as well as being creative in the way information is delivered to contexts (e.g. deliver at a club meeting/training/as part of an induction). Modules will be consistently delivered following an agreed template. They will be split into chapters and will include time/activities where the learner can reflect on their own context (e.g. downloadable action plans). Each will highlight realistic areas that a club can implement. These modules will be developed on the back of insight so we can directly meet the workforce needs in our area. As these modules will be bite sized (between 20 minutes to 1 hour) details will be provided on where they can go to learn more, such as through communities of learning, full course, further resources etc. This is not to replace existing courses but aims to target those that haven’t/cannot attend more formal course so that they can still learn and receive training, provide tasters (the hook) for people, and aims to motive people to seek out further courses and resources.

The site, www.yhlearning.co.uk is currently live with 6 modules covering both learning for schools and community organisations. A full launch will take place early in the new year when there are more live modules on the portal.

Current modules:

Increase your Membership using Facebook

Physically Active Learning in Schools

New to PE Lead Role? What you need to know

Top Tips to Deliver Effective Early Years Foundation Stage PE

Delivering PE in Small Spaces

Reporting on the Primary PE and Sport Premium

Coming Soon:

Raising the Issue of Healthy Weight

Strengthening your Workforce With Volunteers

Engaging Women and Girls

Supporting you with GDPR

Engaging Older People

Youth Insight

For further information on the Yorkshire and Humber Learning Community please contact Robin Lavin at robin@northyorkshiresport.co.uk.