Three ways to make active travel part of your weekly routine


Leave the car at home on your next trip to work or school

The 22nd September is World Car Free Day and this September, back-to-school and work routines are looking a lot different than we're used to pre Covid-19. Families across the Humber country are focused on getting their children back to school and others to work in the safest way possible.

However, regardless of whether you have kids have returned to the classroom or family members back to the workplace, it's more important than ever for all of us to be active each and every single day to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Next month the Humber hosts the international Waterline Summit on how the Humber is working towards a net zero carbon Humber. At Active Humber we thought that conference and World care fee day is the perfect time to talk a little bit about active travel and why across the Humber people should be utilising active travel as a great way to get active. Haven’t heard of active travel or why it matters? Then please read on as at Active Humber we see it as a vital part of being physical active every day.

What is active travel and why is it important?

Active travel is any form of human-powered travel, with the most popular forms being walking or cycling.

Many public transport trips include a portion of active travel at the beginning and end of every journey (walking to-and-from a local bus stop or train station), taking public transport is another popular form that is available to us all across the Humber - just remember to maintain proper physical distancing protocols if and when you do take public transport.

Trips to the shops or to-and-from school or work, whatever you are up to, leaving the car at home can be the perfect way to work some active minutes into your week. Remember, every adult in the UK (16 years or over) needs 150 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity each week, while children (5 to 15) require 60 minutes of physical activity every single day.

Numerous reports from Public Health England and Sport England show that we are not taking enough physical activity and the Humber is one of the most inactive areas in the country. Active travel is a great way to be doing more to incorporate active modes of travel into our everyday lives.

Improve a lot more than just your health

The benefits of active travel extend far beyond the physical, as leaving the car at home from time to time will also leave a positive impact on the environment, too. With less cars on the road, you will be helping promote better air quality while reducing harmful emissions.

Oh, and all that saved petrol and diesel money can work wonders on your budget. What’s not to love about that?

Whether you’re taking the kids to school, getting to work or simply going to do some shopping, active travel can help you live your best life possible.

We’ve put together a few pointers to help you do just that. Check out the following tips on how to make active travel a key part of your weekly routine.

  1. Start small – Trying something new, anything new, can be daunting. Uncertainty leads to anxiety and anxiety leads to an unwillingness to push yourself. 
  2. Don’t overdo it; start small and walk to school or work only once or twice a week (or even part way, depending on the distance between home and your final destination).
  3. Then, once you get more comfortable, push the number of days you leave the car at home to three or four. Pretty soon, the days you use the car will be far outnumbered by the days you don’t.

Use Google to get going – You use it in the car all the time to get from Point-A to Point-B, so why not try the same but without the car? Next time you are planning your route, switch the option from driving to walking or cycling. It might take you a bit longer, but the most efficient route will be laid-out for you in seconds.

Try something new – Walking and cycling are the two most popular forms of active travel, but there are many different ways you can actively move around. Talk to a neighbour and borrow their scooter or ask your nephew or granddaughter if you can borrow their rollerblades or skateboard. As long as you are wearing the right protective gear and are taking your time, you can have a lot of fun while (safely) getting to where you need to be.

So from all of us at Active Humber have a safe World Car Free Day and by incorporating active travel into your daily routine be more healthier and help the Humber become a carbon neutral place to live.

Discover ways you can keep active by finding links and inspiration on our get active at home pages.