Clubs Impact Report


Identifying the need

Active Humber runs an annual ‘context’ survey where (amongst) other things we ask our clubs and other organisations who deliver sport physical activity to identify key areas that they would like more support with. The two main areas that clubs identified were;

  • Funding.
  • Training Opportunities.

To ensure we kept our support current, a further survey was conducted after Covid-19 restrictions saw mass disruption to our daily lives, and clubs cited receiving support with funding opportunities as even more important.

What we did

We tailored our club support programme to represent the areas of interest of our clubs. We recognised our role to inform clubs of the support available and to help them with the necessary skills to be able to access this. We communicated regularly with our clubs via newsletter and then more recently through Newsflashes to ensure clubs were receiving information in a more time effective and bite size manner.

We promoted the Sport England Community Emergency Fund via social media, newsletter and provided an on-line webinar for partners, clubs and other organisations delivering sport and physical activity.

We promoted Active Together Crowd Funding workshops via social media and a newsletter. A case study was completed showcasing Hull Ionians journey which was shared via our networks.

We delivered the Tacking Inequalities Fund in house, allocating each potential project a member of the team to ensure the money went where it was most needed.

We updated the Active Humber club pages to capture the most up-to-date information, advice and guidance available during the Covid-19 pandemic.

We ran eleven workshops where we had experts from in their field share best practice and share knowledge. The workshops were delivered in partnership with North Yorkshire Sport.


Community Emergency Fund: 195 community organisations shared £772,173.00. The population of the Humber is 944,042 and equates to 1.91% of the population, our share of the CEF fund equates to 2.79% of the total spend.

Active Humber were allocated £160,000 through the Tackling Inequalities Fund (TIF). To date, £121,252 has been allocated. This was shared by 40 organisations. Through TIF we have been able to widen our reach and networks by working with new organisations. We tracked the TIF spend to ensure it aligned with the programme priorities and reached the areas of need. We stayed in touch with our projects to support where necessary and capture through case study the impact of the programme.

In the Humber, four clubs have undertaken the Active Together, Crowdfunding Campaigns. Hull Ionians raised £60,000, three times their original target.

A total of 10 News articles were shared via mailchimp. Engagement rates varied, but reports shows that it has the highest engagement rate of all Active Humber campaigns.

The workshop delivered by Active Humber had an average of 24 attendees. The post questionnaire survey showed that post training the attended reported back the following;

65% of attendees intend to implement changes

92% felt more confident

76% felt better skilled

 80% felt more capable