Active Humber Autumn 2020 Competitions


Primary and Secondary School Competitions Autumn 2020

Active Humber and The School Sport Partnership Network across the Humber recognise the challenges schools are facing currently around the COVID-19 Pandemic however we know you share our passion of Physical Literacy and the importance of keeping Students and Young People active during this period of limitation.

With this in mind, we have collaboratively created a series of School Games Competitions at County Level which your school can take part in virtually until such time we can all come together again at Physical Countywide Events.

These can all take place whilst adhering to your “bubble” guidelines and have been designed so that every student can engage. Most of the challenges are skills based and so can be done in a safe environment with little interaction or contact. For the most part, schools can submit their entries to a platform from which Active Humber will coordinate selecting the winners. There will be awards not only for the highest scores, but also aligned with the School Games values. There will be adaptations for those with Special Educational Needs (SEN) and a separate competition for Special Schools to access. For the latter part of the Autumn term, our first set of challenges will have a cultural theme being a Dance competition for Primary Schools and “Create a Game” for secondaries enabling them to use their imaginations to think up a new sport and how it will work.

It is hoped that you will get your whole class or year group involved in our County virtual events this year by incorporating them into your PE lessons as part of the standard school curriculum.

Each Challenge will have a set of rules and guidelines. Where the result may be deemed subjective i.e. Dance, a set of independent judges from the NGB or relevant sporting field, will independently judge the entries and the criteria for scoring will be detailed in the guide.

Find out about the competitions below!

Dance Competition - School Games - Active Humber
Create-A-Game Competition - School Games - Active Humber