
School Games

School Games are now targeting schools across the Humber through a place-based approach aiming to engage the children in school who are most inactive and living in areas of deprivation across the Humber. 

Girls Carousel 

Our Girls Carousels are targeted sessions for year 9 and 10 girls across secondary schools in the Humber, to engage girls in physical activity and movement who don’t typically always enjoy school physical education or need that confidence boost to try new activities. Active Humber have been working with local leisure providers across the Humber to provide a bespoke, unique experience for these girls.

We are now engaging girls in student voice workshops so that the young people are having a say and designing the programme they are taking part in.

This academic year we are working with 8 schools and are continuing to build links with community facilities so that young people have positive experiences while participating in physical activity through different opportunities.

Motor Activity Training Programme (MATP)

Active Humber are working in partnership with Sportsability to deliver the Special Olympics Motor Activity Training Programme in special schools Humber wide. Sportsability and staff members from Active Humber have had specific MATP training to support schools with the programme.

If you want this support for your school please get in touch with us.

SGO place based work

This academic year SGO’s Humber wide have been invited to apply for a small amount of funding to help them tackle specific needs in their area. Tackling inequalities, Youth Engagement and Physical Literacy being at the forefront of their physical activity projects along with the School Games outcomes.

Creating Active Schools (CAS)

Active Humber are piloting CAS in the academic year of 23/24, working with 3 SGO’s in the Humber in 3 primary schools, one in East Riding, one in Hull and one in North Lincolnshire. Follow our CAS journey on social media, we want to share the learning with you.

Get In Touch

If you would like to talk to us about our work with School Games including any of the projects listed above, please contact:

Lucy Gray (Development Manager - Education)

Tel: 07860954336
