Activity embedded into policy at school
Killingholme, North East Lincolnshire
Killingholme Primary School is located in the village of South Killingholme on the boarder of North Lincolnshire, close to the port town on Immingham in North East Lincolnshire. The school has approx 120 pupils attending and joined CAS (Creating Active Schools) through Active Humber in the academic year 23/24 and are now in the second academic year.
The Creating Active Schools Framework provides schools with a structure to embed physical activity at the heart of their culture and ethos. It was developed by an independent group of experts to promote a whole systems approach to embedding physical activity at the heart of primary school policy and behaviours.
Killingholme Primary School through the CAS Framework have been able to put physical activity at the forefront of the school values and embed this at policy level. Through the whole school staff training and looking at the 4 areas of the framework, policy, environments, stakeholders and opportunities it has allowed the PE Coordinator and the Head Teacher to look at the whole school through the physical activity lens.
The staff are trying to maximise space using corridors and classrooms to embed movement into the school day and lessons, as well as the field and playground. The staff have also said they have become more aware of their own physical activity habits and have been sharing their achievements with the children at school. This academic year the school have signed up to an active learning platform to support staff with active lessons.
The school have said they really value the CAS toolkit and that it has made them think differently as a staff team and how physical activity is delivered throughout the school day. In the academic year of 23/24, 45% of KS1, 60 % of KS2 and 54% combined key stages were participating in after school clubs at least once a week, this is the highest it has ever been, and the school believe this is because physical activity is at the forefront of the school values, and it is accessible to all. In the academic year 22/23 in school PE 15.31% of children were working towards in PE and 84.69% at expected in PE.
Last academic year 23/24, 9.62% of children were working towards, 87.5% at expected and 2.88% at greater depth, the PE Coordinator at the school states that this is because physical activity opportunities are greater than ever before at the school and this is showing in school
of all students were taking part in weekly after school clubs