
Disability and Long Term Health Conditions

Active Humber is committed to increasing opportunities for people with a disability or long-term health condition to be physically active, however they choose.

Unfortunately, disabled people remain much less likely to be active, with only 4 in 10 disabled people feeling that they have access to physical activity opportunities (Source: Activity Alliance 2024)

We work across the Humber region (Hull, East Riding, North Lincolnshire, North East Lincolnshire) to support clubs, groups and organisations to be confident in including more people with a disability or long-term health condition and offer welcoming, meaningful and accessible experiences and opportunities.

Working with key partners locally and regionally we aim to:

  • Work with disabled people and disabled people’s organisations to identify how people want to be active.
  • Understand the challenges and barriers faced by people with a disability or long-term health condition and identify ways to overcome these.
  • Strengthen messaging around physical activity and inclusion and champion good practice in the region.
  • Provide insight and learning to develop appropriate physical activity programmes for people with a disability or long-term health condition.
  • Bring investment into the Humber to develop more physical activity opportunities and projects for disabled people.

Active Humber work closely with numerous organisations on a local and regional basis to improve access to physical activity for people with a disability or long-term health condition and input into key working groups and forums to ensure disabled people have a voice in the sport and physical activity sector.

Partnership with Activity Alliance

One of our key partners is Activity Alliance, the national organisation and leading voice for disabled people in sport and physical activity. Hear more about our work with Activity Alliance from Paul Downes (Regional Strategic Advisor for Yorkshire and the Humber) 

The Annual Disability and Activity Survey, published in June 2024, shows that there is still a number of challenges to overcome to tackle the inequalities that those with disabilities and long term health conditions face.

Key findings from the Activity Alliance report include:

  • 43% of disabled people feel they have the chance to be as active as they desire, compared to 69% of non-disabled people. Disabled women are more likely feel the disparity in perceived opportunity compared to disabled men (39% vs 48%).
  • Disabled people are less than half as likely to ‘see people like them’ playing, working, and volunteering in sport and physical activity.
  • Disabled people mostly prefer being active in outdoor spaces like parks, countryside, or woodland compared to other locations, but less than half (44%) of disabled people say it’s easy for them to physically access outdoor spaces. This is a significant disparity compared to non-disabled people (78%).
  • Only 9% of disabled people agree they have the opportunity to become a coach or take on a role in delivering sport or physical activity (compared to 24% of non-disabled people).

To access the full report findings, head to:

Case Study - Keep Moving

Keep Moving is an exercise programme for people with lower limb impairments, based at the Allam Sports Centre at the University of Hull, it is the only group-based programme to deliver supervised exercise for adults with a lower limb amputation in the Humber region. Keep Moving received Together Fund funding from Active Humber and have continued to receive support and guidance from Active Humber ever since.

This inclusive programme has increased participation in physical activity for people who have mobility impairments following lower limb amputation. Its aims are to make physical activity more accessible, reduce falls, improve strength and balance confidence, and develop a sense of togetherness for its participants.

Participants’ individual progress is monitored regularly throughout the programme. The quantifiable improvements in walking distance, balance and strength demonstrate the physical benefits of the programme. The social interaction of meeting other people, having gone through a similar experience, improves mental well-being. Thanks to Keep Moving, people with limb loss have a place to meet, exercise and feel good together.

Participant testimonials:

“I have been enjoying the Keep Moving exercises for over two years, for which I am extremely grateful. The exercises we have undertaken have been progressively more difficult as our fitness levels have increased and this has given us confidence to face everyday life. One of the valuable assets of the class is the people who attend. Encouraged by Tony [instructor]'s great sense of humour, we all have lots of fun and we are also able to exchange ideas on any disability problems we have. The individuals who make these classes possible have improved my life immeasurably.”

“I had my operation in January 2020, had an infection in the wound and then covid hit. I had no interaction with the hospital for obvious reasons but it was extremely hard. When I first joined Keep Moving I was very nervous, not particularly fit and not in a good way mentally. Tony [instructor] has worked miracles - he is amazing at what he encourages us to do - and it has really worked for me. The crowd is a good one and we manage to work but also to have the banter and the laughs. We can see how far we have come both physically and mentally and it’s an absolute joy to see."

Watch our video showcasing Keep Moving below:

Community Ambassadors

One of Active Humber’s most significant and important programme’s is our Community Ambassador scheme. You can find out more about this area of our work here :

When developing the scheme Active Humber felt it was essential that our Community Ambassador’s were truly representative of the people we work with and for, and that people with a disability or long-term health condition were at the forefront.

We are proud to say that over 50% of our Community Ambassadors have a disability or long-term health condition or work with people who do.

Here’s Active Humber Community Ambassador and Special Olympics GB athlete Adam Loubani to tell you a bit more about his own journey:

Motor Activity Training Programme

MATP (Motor Activity Training Programme) is a unique Special Olympics programme specifically designed for athletes of all ages with Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties or complex needs. It offers genuine opportunities for training and competition and enables athletes to work on and showcase motor skills and sporting achievements that are relevant to them.

In partnership with Sportsability, Active Humber are working with schools in the Humber region to deliver MATP. To find out more and see how your school can get involved contact Lucy ( or Ian ( at Active Humber.

Get in touch:

If you are keen to find out more about our work or want to get involved in making physical activity accessible for people with a disability or long term health condition then contact:

Ian Spencer (Development Manager – Disabilities & Long Term Health Conditions)

Tel: 07860954338
