Welfare & Safeguarding

Sport Welfare Officer

What is the Sport Welfare Officer Network?

We know the work of club welfare officers can be hard at times and it can often feel like an isolated role. We’re trying to change that.

Sport Welfare Officers are here for club welfare officers.

We can provide local support and opportunities to assist you in your volunteer roles. Whether that’s helping you meet your safeguarding responsibilities, connecting you with other club welfare officers or assisting you to grow your knowledge and skills - we are here to help.

Your sport may already have regional safeguarding staff who provide your club with support. If it does – these teams are still your primary contact. Sport Welfare Officers will work with these representatives and your National Governing Body to connect sports and promote good welfare locally.

Good welfare practice matters to everyone and together we want to help create environments in sport and physical activity which are positive and safe for all children, young people and adults.

What is the purpose of the Sport Welfare Officer’s role?

Our role is to;

  • Provide additional, local support for club welfare officers
  • Signpost clubs to the right advice and guidance
  • Work with club welfare officers to create a safer culture within their organisation
  • Facilitate local training opportunities and events
  • Create networks so that volunteers and staff feel better connected and informed
  • Recognise, share and develop best practice
  • Help raise awareness of safeguarding and welfare for young people and adults at local events

It is not the Sport Welfare Officer’s role to;

  • Advise on or manage concerns – all concerns must be referred without delay in accordance with National Governing Body / Club Safeguarding Policy.

The network is funded by Sport England through an investment of National Lottery money. Active Partnerships are working with National Governing Bodies, NSPCC Child Protection in Sport Unit, Ann Craft Trust, Sport England and other key safeguarding partners.

Want to find out more?

If you are interested in getting in touch, please contact our Sport Welfare Officer from the Humber.

Mary Smith (Sport Welfare Officer)

Tel: 07903357141

Email: msmith@activehumber.co.uk

For further information on the national programme please contact the Active Partnerships National Organisation;

Laura Middleton (Strategic Lead – Welfare)

Email: lmiddleton@activepartnerships.org

Katy Thompson (Sport Welfare Officer Network – Programme Manager)

Email: kthompson@activepartnerships.org