With the support of Useful Projects, Sport England is carrying out a sector wide consultation to co-develop a vision for our future.
They really want to hear from you about your views on how the sport and physical activity sector could accelerate positive climate action. About what you’re already doing, the greatest opportunities and priorities for change, and the challenges and support needed to overcome these.
Extreme weather, air quality and wider climate change are increasingly likely to impact participation levels, and when & where activity takes place. The impact of climate change upon community-based sport will affect people’s capability and opportunities to be active and could exacerbate inequalities in participation.
Equally, the sport and physical activity sector has a significant environmental impact that reinforces these effects. From energy use by sports facilities; travel by participants and workforce; the production and consumption of sports equipment, goods and services; to the creation of waste - we have considerable scope, opportunity and obligation to create positive change.
They would love to hear from you whether you’re just starting to think about this or already have initiatives in place. To hear, what support you need to get started and accelerate action. For example, to reduce your energy use, encourage responsible travel choices, reduce waste, improve air quality and support biodiversity.
You can take part here and complete the survey by the 19th of May 2023: Environmental Sustainability Survey 2023