Big Green Week 2023


This week is Big Green Week!

What inspires you to tackle climate change and protect nature? Here's what some of our team had to say!

Lucy Playford, Marketing Manager

"My children inspire me to tackle climate change, so that the future they grow up in is a greener place where they can continue to enjoy getting active outdoors"


Lucy Playford, Marketing Manager

"My children inspire me to tackle climate change, so that the future they grow up in is a greener place where they can continue to enjoy getting active outdoors"

Luke Medcalf, Development Manager – Community and Inequalities

"I am inspired by Boyan Slat, who at 19, invented his Ocean Cleanup device that is pulling tonnes of plastic from the worlds oceans and now rivers. This plastic is then recycled into products such as sunglasses and the profit from these sales is then put back into developing more technologies to help clean up the oceans. All in all, he is a shining example of what young people can achieve."


Luke Medcalf, Development Manager – Community and Inequalities

"I am inspired by Boyan Slat, who at 19, invented his Ocean Cleanup device that is pulling tonnes of plastic from the worlds oceans and now rivers. This plastic is then recycled into products such as sunglasses and the profit from these sales is then put back into developing more technologies to help clean up the oceans. All in all, he is a shining example of what young people can achieve."

David Gent, Chief Executive Officer

“I can’t be active with my friends and family if the air is polluted, the roads are congested and there is little green space to be active. More green spaces will make all our lives so much better in so many different ways. I have started Plogging (a combination of jogging and litter picking) to do my bit and what great fun it is. My local community is so much better for all of those out plogging. Plog for a better place!!”


David Gent, Chief Executive Officer

“I can’t be active with my friends and family if the air is polluted, the roads are congested and there is little green space to be active. More green spaces will make all our lives so much better in so many different ways. I have started Plogging (a combination of jogging and litter picking) to do my bit and what great fun it is. My local community is so much better for all of those out plogging. Plog for a better place!!”

Find out more about Big Green Week at: