PACE Next Steps Event: Building a Stronger and More Connected Withernsea


What is PACE?

Supported by Active Withernsea, the Physical Activity Community Engagement (PACE) Network is the future of physical activity and community engagement in Withernsea. Built on our love of Withernsea, trying new things, and engaging with the whole community, this fun, innovative network is here to connect us together. The purpose of the network is to champion physical activity and together tackle the barriers to being active. The PACE network is free to join, open to anyone who has an interest in supporting Withernsea to be more active and involves workshops, events, and networking.

The PACE Next Steps event, held on October 25, 2023, marked a significant milestone in the journey of the Withernsea community moving towards a more connected and active future. The event witnessed an overwhelming turnout of residents and partners who actively participated and contributed to insightful discussions, outlining a clear path forward for the PACE network.

The events success can be attributed to the collective enthusiasm and commitment demonstrated by those in attendance. Through insightful discussions, seven essential priorities emerged as key drivers for PACE's development:

1. Steering Group/Leadership Roles: The event highlighted the importance of establishing a strong steering group and defining clear leadership roles, to ensure effective decision-making, accountability, and long-term sustainability.

2. Centralized Way of Meeting People: Participants recognized the need for a central platform or system that facilitates networking and collaboration among PACE members. This priority seeks to foster a stronger sense of community.

3. Regular Communication about the Progress of PACE: Transparency and consistent communication emerged as a critical requirement. PACE members identified the need for a communication strategy that keeps everyone informed about the networks progress and developments.

4. More Face-to-Face Networking Events: Building stronger connections and collaborations within the PACE Community was deemed essential. The PACE community committed to organising regular face-to-face networking events to promote interaction and connection.

5. PACE Website/Digital Hub: Recognising the importance of easy access to information and resources, the PACE community wants to develop a dedicated website or digital hub. This platform will serve as a central resource for information, updates, and resources related to PACE.

6. Sharing Information about What PACE Is: To ensure a wider understanding of PACE's purpose and goals within the Withernsea community, a communication plan is to be developed

7. Identifying Ongoing Funding Opportunities: The PACE community wants actively to explore sustainable funding opportunities to support the growth and development of PACE, emphasising the long-term viability of the network.

The PACE Network is aiming to action these priorities in collaboration with the Withernsea community, residents, partners, and organisations.

 Immediate Next Steps:

1. Steering Group/Leadership Roles: A "PACE Next Steps" meeting for those interested in participating in the leadership group is scheduled for Wednesday, November 15th, from 2-4 pm (location to be confirmed). This meeting will initiate discussions on who will be involved in leading PACE and possible governance structures.

2. Centralized Way of Meeting People: A One Page Profile for all PACE network members is in development, and it will be distributed in the coming weeks. Discussions on how to maintain and share this information in the own will take place at the next PACE Communication Subgroup meeting at the end of November.

3. Regular Communication: PACE will make increased use of the PACE Network on Facebook as a means of two-way communication. If you’re interested in getting involved with PACE, you can join here: [Insert Facebook Group URL].

4. Face-to-Face Networking Events: Responding to the PACE community desire for more networking opportunities, a "PACE Breakfast" event is being organised. This informal gathering will provide members with the chance to meet and connect. Details of the PACE Breakfast event will be discussed at the next PACE Communication subgroup meeting on Tuesday, November 28th, at East Riding Leisure Withernsea, from 10 am to 11:30 am.

A timeline of PACE's progress was also established during the event and is currently being digitized for further collaboration. The PACE team encourages all community members to contribute to this timeline, sharing their experiences and insights.

Whether you were able to attend the recent event or not, your input and involvement in these next steps are highly valued. Mark your calendars with the dates provided above, as additional information and event booking details will be shared shortly through Active Withernsea communication channels.

Together, we look forward to shaping a stronger, more connected Withernsea through the PACE initiative.

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