Exciting Withernsea Skatepark Transformation To Start In January


Exciting Withernsea Skatepark Transformation To Start In January

The Active Withernsea Team, in partnership with Withernsea Town Council, are excited to announce plans for the redevelopment of Withernsea Skate Park, after successfully securing ‘Capital’ funding from Sport England to progress the project. The existing Skate Park is undergoing a full transformation to ensure the space is fit for the future and will be completely reimagined so it can be accessed by Skateboards, Scooters and BMX riders from complete beginners to advance riders. It has been designed in partnership with Withernsea residents, Active Sports, a ‘user group’ and Sport England colleagues and the project work will be led by CR Reynolds and Skate Park specialists Canvas. Work is scheduled to commence onsite on the 8th January 2024 and is due to be completed for the Spring.

We would like to thank Withernsea Town Council for their support throughout this process and their invested passion to continue to help develop the space for the community for years to come. Active Withernsea and Withernsea Town Council are joining forces to create a ‘Friends of the Skate Park’ group alongside ‘Skate Park Rangers’ who collectively will continue to build on the Skate Park legacy.

We are excited to continue to work with Millennium Green Trust to grow the visibility of the area and the tranquil nature walking routes which surround the Skate Park and would like to thank them for their support with the project. We will be working closely with the contractors throughout the redevelopment to ensure public access to the pathway can remain open to allow the community to continue to enjoy the green space whilst ensuring safety is paramount.

Plans for a launch event to ‘unveil’ the transformation of the Skate Park are currently underway and we will be working closely with Withernsea Town Council, Millennium Green Trust, Withernsea Tennis Association, Withernsea Bowling Club, The Hut and East Riding Leisure Withernsea to collectively celebrate the full parameter of opportunities that surround Withernsea Skate Park.

We will be working with Illustrative Artist ‘Smizz’ to elevate the space following its completion by hosting community design workshops and exploring ‘Safe Skate Sessions’ in partnership with The Hut and ‘The Lookout’ to ensure the space feels welcoming for all.

If you are interested in expressing an interest in the ‘Friends of the Skate Park’ group or becoming a ‘Skate Park Ranger’ please contact Jennifer.lount@eastriding.gov.uk

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