Active Humber Staff renew climate pledges to celebrate World Environment Day


In Celebration of World Environment Day and the recent launch of Sport England's Sustainability Strategy 'Every Move', Our team here at Active Humber have renewed their climate pledges as part of our Climate Change Commitment 2024.

If you haven't yet seen Sport England's 'Every Move' Strategy please find the link here:

Here at Active Humber we are very proud to be featured in the new sustainability strategy, we continue to strive to make a difference but we need your help in doing so.

We are extremely proud and honoured to be featured in the strategy (page 28) and here are a few words from our CEO David Gent: 

"The Humber region is at the very front of the UK’s approach to tackling climate change and we at Active Humber are doing all we can to ensure that sport and physical activity across the Humber is playing our part in making the Humber as environmentally sustainable as is possible."

If you want to find out more regarding what Active Humber are doing to take climate change and sustainability, you can find all information on our website here:

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