Active Humber Highlights Climate and Sustainability Initiatives This July


This July at Active Humber we'll be highlighting our work around climate and sustainability.

  • This 'Plastics Free July' - we'll be sharing ways you can help reduce plastic at sporting events.
  • There's also more detail to come from 'Every Move', the Sport England Sustainability Strategy, with information about how you can sign up for the Go for Green pledge.
  • And ahead of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, the Sport England chair, Chris Boardman, will take part in an eight-day bike ride from Manchester to Paris, to galvanise the sport and physical activity sector to step up its work in tackling climate change. Be a part of Chris's 'Pedal for Paris' journey!

You can read more about our climate change journey over on our Active Humber environmental and sustainability webpages

What will you do this July to help make the future of the Humber more sustainable?

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