Hull City Council Opens Play Streets to Boost Children's Activity and Community Engagement


Hull City Council has opened up Play Streets this summer, a vibrant initiative aimed at providing safe spaces for children to play freely and actively in their neighbourhoods. This project is part of a broader movement supported by Playing Out, a resident-led organisation that promotes street play across the UK.


The concept of Play Streets is simple: designated residential streets are temporarily closed to through traffic, allowing children to engage in various physical activities such as cycling, skipping, and playing games. These events not only encourage physical activity but also foster stronger community ties and provide a safe environment for children to play outside.

Read more about Emma's story in Hull.

The benefits of Play Streets are extensive. They significantly increase children's physical activity levels, which is crucial for their overall health and development. And, as we know, active play is beneficial for mental well-being, reducing anxiety and improving mood among children.

Play Streets also bring communities together. By creating a communal space where neighbour's can interact, these events help reduce social isolation and build a sense of belonging among residents. For older members of the community, Play Streets offer a chance to engage socially and stay active, enhancing their quality of life.

Organisations and community groups are encouraged to spread the word about Play Streets and get involved in promoting these beneficial events. By participating, they can help ensure that children and families in Hull have access to safe, active, and enjoyable play opportunities.

For more information on how to get involved and support Play Streets in your area, visit Playing Out and join the movement to create healthier, more connected communities.

Let's make this summer a time of active play and community spirit!