Active Humber and Partners Embedding Physical Literacy Through Patchwork Programme


Championing Physical Literacy Locally

Active Humber has joined Sport England’s Patchwork Programme, building on its involvement with the launch of the Physical Literacy Consensus Statement in September 2023. The programme provides a space to learn, reflect, and co-design strategies to bring physical literacy principles into practice. The project is called Move with Youth. 

Withernsea High School Pilot Project

In partnership with Withernsea High School and East Riding Place Partner, Active Humber is embedding physical literacy into PE and enrichment activities. The project aims to gather students’ views on what makes PE a positive experience and to support staff in applying the physical literacy approach across the school.

Promoting Physical Literacy Across the Humber

Physical literacy is central to Active Humber’s work across the region. By focusing on how people think, feel, and connect with movement, the aim is to help individuals of all ages discover enjoyable, sustainable ways to stay active.

Positive Experiences for Lifelong Activity

“We know that if children and young people have positive experiences in sport and physical activity, they are more likely to continue being active as adults,” said Lucy Gray from Active Humber "we are excited to shape a more active and engaged future for communities across the Humber.".

If you'd like to find out more details please speak to Lucy Gray our Children and Young People Development Manager.