Walk to School Week


This week, we celebrate the return of Walk to School Week (20-24 May), we're supporting Living Streets annual campaign to encourage more children to swap the school run for a school walk.

Over 250,000 pupils across the UK will walk, wheel, cycle or scoot to school for a whole week, as they celebrate the #MagicOfWalking!

The walk to school helps children stay fit, healthy, and happy.

Living Street spoke to UEFA Vice President and ex Wales football captain, Professor Laura McAllister, who agrees!

“As an athlete I think it’s so important to instil a love of exercise at an early age. Walking, scooting, or cycling to school is a fun and easy way for kids to get the recommended 60 minutes of daily physical activity.”

 "I hope that Living Streets' Walk to School Week encourages pupils and their families to discover the magic of walking,” said Laura McAllister.

At Living Streets, they believe children making active journeys are an indicator of how healthy our streets are. When we walk our short journeys, it helps reduce congestion, road danger and air pollution. And when streets are designed with children in mind, we see better streets for us all.

Find more resources for Living Streets walk to school week can on their website.

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