Ganton School MATP Celebration Event


Ganton School in Hull held its first MATP (Motor Activity Training Programme) Celebration event recently, showcasing physical activity and movement skills that the students have been working on throughout the year.

Over 30 students were involved in the event, supported by parents, family and friends cheering them on.

Earlier in the year staff at the school received training in how to embed MATP within the school curriculum, as well as practical guidance around lesson planning from Sportsability in partnership with Active Humber.

MATP (Motor Activity Training Programme) is a unique Special Olympics programme specifically designed for athletes of all ages with Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties or complex needs. It offers genuine opportunities for training and competition and enables athletes to work on and showcase motor skills and sporting achievements that are relevant to them.

After demonstrating their skills all the Ganton athletes received medals, presented by Special Olympics athlete and Active Humber Ambassador, Adam Loubani.

Following the event students from Pluto class said: “We all enjoyed the event from start to finish, we were all included, and we all did our best in our events. “

Ganton Teaching staff were thrilled with the success of the event and stated: “It was a great opportunity for our students to show their skills and how beautiful they are in front of parents and carers. It was lovely to see their pride during the medal ceremony and how happy they were. We are very proud of all Ganton pupils showing amazing skills.”

Ganton staff already have big plans for MATP in the next academic year and are hoping to involve even more students in the programme as well as looking at some joint working with other schools.

If your school are interested in getting involved in MATP then contact Lucy ( or Ian ( at Active Humber to find out more.

Alternatively you can attend one of the Special Olympic GB, MATP Introductory Workshops.