Getting Teen Girls Active
Active Humber have been running Humber wide events for year 9 and 10 girls (age 14/15) who are not typically active, to help them start to enjoy the benefits being active.
The main aim of these events has been to provide an opportunity for a positive experience taking part in physical activity in a different environment to school, and overall have fun!
These girl’s carousel events took place between January and June in 2023 across selected Humber secondary schools, the aim of the girls carousels is to give year 9/10 girls the opportunity to access physical activity in a leisure setting.
The girls we want to engage in these sessions are the ones who don’t typically enjoy physical education at school. We want to break down some of the barriers girls face when participating in sport and physical activity so that they can have a positive experience and consider regular physical activity habits.
This academic year 23/24 we are in planning phases with eight schools Humber wide taking part in the girls carousels, taking learning from last academic year most schools will be participating in the carousels for six weeks so that the girls can become comfortable with the concept over that period of time rather than one off events.
We have two girls who participated in the carousel last academic year who have become Active Humber Ambassadors this academic year and are excited to tell other young people about their journey.

Physical Literacy
In September Active Humber attended the launch event of the Sport England physical literacy statement we are now part of the working group and looking at ways of spreading the physical literacy message Humber wide and embedding it locally.
Lucy Gray who attended the launch event and who is part of the working group said, ‘is it very exciting to have such a powerful message that we can spread Humber wide connecting how moving our bodies can make us feel, think and behave’.

Creating Active Schools
Active Humber are piloting Creating Active Schools (CAS) in three areas of the Humber working in three primary schools in partnership with School Games Organisers (SGO’s).
The CAS professional development programme supports schools to create happy and healthy environments through physical activity. We are really excited about this pilot and can’t wait to share our learning across the Humber as it is an individual journey for each school.

Motor Activity Training Programme
The Special Olympics Motor Activity Training Program (MATP) is designed for athletes who are unable to participate in official Special Olympics sport competitions because of their skill and/or functional abilities.
Active Humber and Sportsability (the local physical activity delivery provider) have received MATP training to work with special schools in the Humber upskilling staff and helping them use MATP at their school.
We have just run our first morning in Ganton school and are looking forward to delivering in more special schools throughout the academic year.