Environment & Sustainability

What's Happening in the Humber

What is Active Humber Pledging to do

In Celebration of World Environment Day and the recent launch of Sport England's Sustainability Strategy 'Every Move', Our team here at Active Humber have renewed their climate pledges as part of our Climate Change Commitment 2024.

Here at Active Humber we are very proud to be featured in the new sustainability strategy (page 28), we continue to strive to make a difference but we need your help in doing so (Sport England's Every Move Strategy)

Here are a few words from our CEO David Gent:

"The Humber region is at the very front of the UK’s approach to tackling climate change and we at Active Humber are doing all we can to ensure that sport and physical activity across the Humber is playing our part in making the Humber as environmentally sustainable as is possible."

Oh Yes! Net Zero

Oh Yes! Net Zero capitalises on Hull’s history of innovation and the enthusiasm of its people to decarbonise our region, with the aim of achieving Net Zero by 2050.

Link to resource


At the end of 2023, Creative and Cultural held the Humber Ecofest which consisted of various events all with the aim to help the Humber have the knowledge and skills to become environmentally sustainable all whilst enjoying it at the same time. Here is the link to some of the activities which ran over the event which may help inspire you to run something similar or maybe on a smaller scale.

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Yorkshire and Humber Climate Commission

The Yorkshire and Humber Climate Commission is an independent advisory body set up to bring actors from the public, private and third sectors together to support and guide ambitious climate actions across the region. 

Active Humber supports the work of the Sport Environment and Climate Commission (SECC) and its commitment in the fight against climate change and the role that the sport and physical activity sector can play in moving the United Kingdom towards Net Zero.  

Active Partnerships (SECC member) with their England wide coverage and ability to influence and make change happen at a local level have a critical role to drive the change needed around climate matters at a local level. SECC provides the ability for national and local sporting and physical activity organisations to work together on reducing the harmful effects of climate change. Whilst the climate does not recognise national or local boundaries it is a combination of national and local programmes working in unison that can deliver the change required. SECC stresses the time to act is now and with the local reach of Active Partnerships they can effectively support partners to make the changes needed, at the speed needed.  

The unique role that Active Partnerships play in getting the nation active and reducing sedentary behaviours by encouraging people to be physically active, as well as getting people to walk and cycle for their short journeys are all great ways to reduce carbon emissions. Active Partnerships have a critical role to help people be active for themselves, their community, and the planet. 

Link to resource

Yorkshire & Humber Climate Action Pledge

The Yorkshire & Humber Climate Action Pledge is a simple commitment to taking action on climate and nature. Businesses and organisations pledge to take actions that will help them adapt to a changing climate, reduce their carbon emissions, enhance nature and biodiversity and promote fairness. It's a growing movement of organisations across Yorkshire who recognise that we need to take action to protect our region from climate impacts and unlock the benefits of a green economy.

Sign the pledge