Hull Churches Home From Hospital
Hull Churches Home From Hospital offers support for people’s rehabilitation after a hospital stay or illness. Active Humber has been a core funder of the service’s fitness and therapy sessions since 2019. The funding allows service users to take part in chair based exercise, tai chi and healthy hearts sessions. These sessions have been a great source of socialising and exercise to support independence, fitness and well-being.
Cancer Rehabilitation Instructors
Active Humber has secured £5000 of funding from Macmillan to train 10 physical activity activators to be Cancer Rehabilitation Instructors. Each instructor will complete the Level 4 Cancer Rehabilitation Qualification. These activators will work across the Humber region to deliver pre-hab, re-hab sessions for people living with cancer.
National Menopause Awareness Campaign
Active Humber are one of five Active Partnerships leading on the National Menopause Awareness Campaign. Adam Wrightham, our Development Manager for Active Aging, is leading a Male Menopause Champions group for the network. So far there has been two national meetings for the campaign which were co-led by Active Humber.